
A $900 Billion Oil Treasure Lies Beneath West Texas Desert – Bloomberg


A $900 Billion Oil Treasure Lies Beneath West Texas Desert
In a troubled oil world, the Permian Basin is the gift that keeps on giving. One portion of the giant field, known as the Wolfcamp formation, was found to hold 20 billion barrels of oil trapped in four layers of shale beneath the desert in West Texas
USGS Wolfcamp Estimate Proves The Hits Just Keep On Coming For The Permian BasinForbes
As drilling jumps, Wolfcamp has 20 billion barrels of oil: USGSPlatts
USGS finds 20 billion barrels in Midland Basin WolfcampMidland Reporter-Telegram
FuelFix (blog) –MarketWatch –mySanAntonio.com (blog) –Akron Beacon Journal (blog)
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