
Yahoo’s head lawyer is taking the fall for its hacking, while CEO Marissa Mayer is getting her pay docked – Recode


Yahoo's head lawyer is taking the fall for its hacking, while CEO Marissa Mayer is getting her pay docked
The blame for the massive breach falls on Ron Bell and not where it belongs — at the top. by Kara Swisher@karaswisher Mar 1, 2017, 5:33pm EST. tweet · share · Linkedin. Yahoo's apparently blameless CEO, Marissa Mayer. Kimberly White / Getty Images.
Marissa Mayer is giving Yahoo employees her annual bonus to make up for massive hacksThe Verge
Yahoo's Marissa Mayer loses millions over breachUSA TODAY
Yahoo's Top Lawyer Resigns and CEO Marissa Mayer Loses Bonus in Wake of HackNew York Times
Ars Technica –The Mercury News –TechCrunch –ABC News
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